European Auto Repair Blog

Future of Car Ownership?

BMW has had a tight relationship with the people over in Cupertino California for years.  No matter what you think of either, the fact is both value innovation and design.  We just came across an interesting news clip related to the new Apple Watch and BMW i series of...

BMW 750i Check Engine Light – Intake Air Leak

This BMW came in with multiple cylinder misfires, we scanned the engine control computer and found errors for misfires and an error for a lean condition.  Our BMW factory trained technician suspected an air leak in the intake system.  He connected...

Dangerous This Time of Year?

The “shoulder seasons” are fairly short here in Colorado. While autumn can be some of the most beautiful times, it is also one of the most dangerous for drivers venturing out on our highways. Speaking with our friends at Apex Auto Body, they said that hail...
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