Audi vehicles are unique in that they are able to combine a high-performance level with a sleek design. Audis are constantly setting and breaking the standards compared to other vehicles in their class. This is why it is important to keep up with the required maintenance schedules in order for your Audi to maintain the performance level that you are used to having it at. Even when these maintenances are performed, it is not uncommon for certain parts to require more attention than others over time.
One of those parts is the camshaft tensioner and potential leaks that may go along with it. In order to be better equipped for if a leak does happen, you will find out more about what the camshaft is in the article below as well as what signs and causes to be aware of if the camshaft tensioner is leaking.
The Function of the Camshaft
In the world of automotive, the jargon that is used can be rather difficult to underst and what part of your Audi is being talked about. Take the camshaft for example. It is also known as the cambelt and also the timing belt, with camshaft being the rarest you will see this part called. The camshaft is a long and tough rubber belt that is woven throughout a series of pulleys and tensioners that are used to keep the belt in place.
The camshaft is responsible for keeping the engine’s timing and synchronization correct by ensuring that all the different parts it is connected to are functioning properly and at the time that they should be. Each part in the engine has its purpose, and the camshaft is in place to keep them fulfilling their purpose. This is why the camshaft is so long, because it has to be able to connect to a multitude of parts inside and around the engine. So to make sure that the camshaft is able to do its job, it needs to be held in place a series of pulleys and tensioners.
What is the Camshaft Tensioner
The camshaft tensioner is one of the parts that is necessary to hold the camshaft in place. The camshaft tensioner is made up of four parts. The first part is the base where all the rest of the tensioner parts are mounted. The second part is the spring,and the spring is in place to keep the camshaft belt tight. The third part is the pulley which is responsible for moving the belt as it should. The fourth part is the tensioner arm,and it is found at the bottom of the tensioner. It is there to counterbalance the spring. The tensioner arm allows for the belt to be removed and adjusted if necessary. To maintain the proper tension that the camshaft requires to function, the tensioner uses pressurized hydraulic oil to maintain the tension.
Camshaft Tensioner Leaks
If the pressurized hydraulic oil is not monitored properly, it has the potential of leaking. A camshaft tensioner leak would lead to negative impacts on the camshaft belt and could ultimately damage other parts of the engine. With that being said, it is necessary to know the signs that your Audi will give off if there is a tensioner leak.
Strange Sounds
If the camshaft is loose, the grinding or ticking noises will be heard coming from under the hood. The loose camshaft could be the result of a tensioner leak.
Abnormal Belt Wear
Over time, it is common that the camshaft will wear out and need to be replaced. If there is a tension leak, then the belt has the potential of wearing out earlier than expected because it is not getting the proper amount of oil.
The Engine Will Not Start
One of the ultimate signs of a tensioner leak is that the engine will not start. If the tensioner leak has gone on for a long period of time without being addressed, the camshaft will eventually snap due to the lack of lubrication. Without the camshaft in place, the engine will not start.
Fixing Camshaft Tensioner Leaks
Even though you are now fully equipped with the information you need to recognize a potential tensioner leak, you still need a trusted mechanic to fix the leak in your Audi. Located in the areas of Englewood, Littleton, Centennial, and Denver, CO, DART auto is the place that you can trust for your Audi to be properly fixed. For years, we have specialized in European vehicles. When you bring your Audi in to fix the camshaft tensioner leak, you will be partnered with one of our trained mechanics to come up with a plan together that ensures that you are able to safely drive away without having to break the bank.