European Auto Repair Blog

Dangerous This Time of Year?

The “shoulder seasons” are fairly short here in Colorado. While autumn can be some of the most beautiful times, it is also one of the most dangerous for drivers venturing out on our highways. Speaking with our friends at Apex Auto Body, they said that hail...

40 Years Old!

The Porsche 911Turbo turned 40 this month! We’ve owned and worked on these amazing cars for years.

Check Those Tires

Air Pressure in your tires suspends your expensive auto from the pavement.  It’s important to make sure you’re running just the right amount for the conditions you drive in.  Many BMWs, Porsches, Audis,and other vehicles have a Tire Pressure Monitoring...

Driving Zen?

Relaxing in today’s world of always-on connectivity, omnipresent advertising,and everyday personal and professional stresses can be taxing (an understatement for sure).  Reading, golf, yoga, or exercise are all common ways to blow off steam and distract your...

Germany makes History

All of DART customers enjoy the benefit of European efficiency every time they turn the key of their cars.  All of the world got to witness that efficiency on the fußball field when Germany decimated Brazil to make it to the final of the world cup for a...

Does Type of Oil Matter?

There are so many brands and types of oil on the market. How do you choose the right kind? Regular oil is refined crude oil.  While it was great for lubricating engines for years, today’s vehicles put out more energy at higher temps with lighter materials....
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