Your VW’s suspension is what keeps your bones from rattling as you drive. It also keeps your vehicle stable on all four wheels. As it spans the entire length of your car, your VW’s suspension consists of two parts: the front and rear suspension. Springs are found in both parts of the suspension and are used to keep your wheels and your car level when driving. They work with the shock absorbers to pad impacts from uneven road surfaces by expanding when driving over dips like potholes and contracting over raised areas, such as speed bumps.

Springs play a big part in keeping your VW safe and roadworthy. Without functioning springs, your Volkswagen will become harder to control and much less steady. Let’s take a look at how you can deal with broken rear suspension springs.

Why Do Rear Springs Break?

The first thing to know when dealing with any kind of part failure is why the part may fail. This can help you to prevent the problem from happening in the first place, which is always preferable.

While we’ve used the term “broken” in this article, as they are made of strong metal, it is actually quite uncommon for the suspension springs to physically snap, though it is possible. Ideally, your suspension springs will last the entire lifespan of your Volkswagen. However, they may seize up or become prematurely worn because of a variety of factors.

Driving through water and mud often can lead to corrosion and accelerated wear. Excessive loads can also place your springs under the excess strain. Piling as much as possible in the car when moving a household, for example, can put your rear suspension springs under strain.

Signs of Broken Rear Springs

Secondly, you need to be able to spot the signs of damaged or broken rear springs. This will help you to respond to the problem more swiftly and prevent further damage from taking place.


The springs are the main part that keeps your VW sitting level. Therefore, if you notice your VW sits more heavily on its rear end than its front, then it is likely that the rear springs are considerably more worn than the front set. This issue will likely be minor at first but will worsen over time as the springs continue to get weaker. This can be dangerous if one spring has broken, because it can cause your VW to lean to one side and you may need to take extra effort when driving to correct it, which can lead to distraction at the wheel.

Tire Wear

The tires are a great indicator of the health of your suspension. Uneven tire wear that isn’t caused by over- or under-inflation will almost always point to a suspension issue. This can be misalignment or damaged/broken springs. Bad springs can cause your tires to wear down at an accelerated rate, so it is best diagnosed quickly to save you having to pay both for a new spring and a new set of tires, too.


The rear suspension loves to make noises when something isn’t right. Damaged rear bushings can lead to loud noises coming from your suspension, as can spring damage. You’re likely to hear clunking sounds when navigating uneven road surfaces.

Bouncy Suspension

While suspension systems do require a little bounce in order to absorb shocks and provide a more comfortable ride, if your VW feels like it has become a pogo stick, then you almost certainly have spring problems. If the bounciness seems to be focused around the rear end, the issue is likely limited to your rear suspension.


The springs are used to keep your VW level. When they start to fail or become worn, the springs can allow your vehicle to sway. This most commonly and most worryingly happens when taking sharp corners and can be a stressful experience for drivers. This issue can also lead to accidents, so it is best to take your VW to a trusted auto shop the moment you experience swaying.

Dart Auto

Dart Auto of Englewood, Littleton, Centennial, Volkswagen Suspension Issue Checkand Denver, CO will help your Volkswagen stay in perfect running condition. Remember, preventative maintenance and servicing is the best action you can take for any type of part failure, as it helps to prevent it from happening in the first place. So, if you never want to have to deal with sudden part failure, call our customer service team today for a proper inspection and maintenance services.

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