The Porsche 911 turbo can be optioned with awesome ceramic brakes. Saving several pounds each and offering exceptional stopping ability they are really an engineering achievement. They do have some drawback though. In this case the customer had taken the car on the track with the stability management system engaged. The stability management system actuates the rear brakes as the car starts to slide when it is pushed to the limit in the track. This really cut into the life of the rear pads and rotors and they needed to be replaced. The front rotors were OK but we changed the pads up front.
These rotors are somewhat delicate, and there are some special Porsche procedures for installing them replacing some of the brake hardware, lubricating the components in the correct places and using the correct torques. But with the proper factory repair information this is not much different from an ordinary brake job, it just takes a few more steps. At at thousands of dollars each per rotor we want to make sure to get it right the first time.