DART auto offers pre-purchase inspections for all of the vehicles we service. Pre-purchase inspections allow you to know what shape a car is in before you buy it and can give you leverage with the seller. If repairs are needed you can often negotiate with the seller to cover all or part of the cost of these repairs, in some cases getting back many times the $150 dollar fee we charge for these inspections. All inspections are carried out by our trained technicians who work on these cars every day. They know the idiosyncrasies and common failure points for each vehicle so they can make sure they find any existing or potential problems. Included is a full vehicle computer scan that details any problems found in any of the on-board diagnostic computers for the whole car. We will provide you with a written report detailing what we have checked and a written estimate for any recommended repairs. See the attached pictures for our basic inspection check list. Our technicians will also check model specific points not shown on this sheet. This was an inspection for Range Rover repairs.
Pre Purchase Inspection for BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche and Mini Cooper
by Admin | Sep 18, 2014 | Range Rover